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一种基于边缘检测技术的DCT域非嵌入式认证水印 期刊论文
湖南大学学报(自然科学版), 2012, 卷号: 第39卷 第1期, 页码: 1/3 第一页 [1] [2] [3] 下一页 最后一页 到第 页 页脚版权说明 项目简介 使用说明资源点击量:今日访问量:总访问量: $(function() { initShare(); checkShowFaxianLink(); if ('' != null && '' != '') { $.get("", function(d) { if (d.statistics != null && d.statistics != '') { $(".ass-conts").show(); } }); $.get("", function(d) { if (d.images.large != null && d.images.large != '') { $(".plumxtr").show(); } }); $(".plumxtr a").attr("target", "_blank"); } // 异步获取发现获取途径 if ('false' != 'false' && 'false' == 'false') { // 加载获取途径 try { $.ajax({ url : '/publicResWarehouse/resetDiscoverInfo', type : "POST", dataType : "json", data : { title : '一种基于边缘检测技术的DCT域非嵌入式认证水印', dxid : '100199257524', document_type_id : '1' }, success : function(data, textStatus) { if (data != null && data['avenueList'] != null && data['avenueList'].length > 0) { // 整理数据 for (var i in data['avenueList']) { var avenueBean = data['avenueList'][i]; var name = avenueBean['avenue']; var url = avenueBean['avenueUrl']; var check1 = name.indexOf("手机传递") -1) && ('1' != '11' || '1' != '12')) { check2 = false; } if (check1 && check2) { if (name.indexOf("下载") > -1 || name.indexOf("全文") > -1) { $(".downloadAnalizeJs").append("" + name + "") } else { $(".downloadAnalizeJs").append("" + name + "") } } } $("#avenuePlace").show(); } } }); } catch (e) {} } // 异步获取分析图 try { $.ajax({ url : '/publicResWarehouse/getAnalyzedYearData', type : "POST", dataType : "json", data : { document_id : '1,2', dxid : '100199257524' }, success : function(data, textStatus) { if (data.length > 0) { var tmp = []; var tmpdata = []; var names = []; var index1 = 0; for (var i in data) { var dataTmp = []; var channel = data[i]; if (channel != null) { names[index1] = channel['label']; var stats = 0; for (var j in channel['secondmenu']) { var secondmenu = channel['secondmenu'][j]; dataTmp[stats] = [ secondmenu['name'], parseInt('' + secondmenu['count']) ]; ++stats; } tmpdata[index1] = dataTmp; tmp[index1] = convertDateToUtc(tmpdata[index1]); ++index1; } } initDocs(tmp, tmpdata, names); $("#analyzedYear").show(); } } }); } catch (e) {} }); function initDocs(tmp, tmpdata, names) { var titleText = ""; var seriesOptions = []; var colors = [ '#89A54E', '#AA4643' ]; $.each(names, function(i, name) { seriesOptions[i] = { name : name, data : tmp[i], color : colors[i], type : "line", marker : { enabled : true, radius : 3, symbol : "circle" }, }; createNewChart(seriesOptions, 'conMore', titleText); }); } function createNewChart(seriesOptions, idOfDiv, titleText) { var chart1 = new Highcharts.StockChart({ options : { global : { useUTC : false }, lang : { rangeSelectorFrom : '起始', rangeSelectorTo : '终止', rangeSelectorZoom : '缩放', } }, chart : { renderTo : idOfDiv, width : 750, height : 330, borderColor : '#0068A3', borderWidth : 2, borderRadius : 10 }, title : { text : titleText }, credits : { enabled : false }, tooltip : { backgroundColor : '#FCFFC5', borderColor : 'black', borderRadius : 10, borderWidth : 3, }, xAxis : { type : 'datetime', //定义x轴上日期的显示格式 labels : { formatter : function() { var vDate = new Date(this.value); return vDate.getFullYear(); } } }, yAxis : { minorGridLineColor : '#F0F0F0', minorTickInterval : 'auto', min : 0 }, exporting : { enabled : false }, legend : { enabled : true, floating : true, align : "left", backgroundColor : "", borderColor : "black", borderWidth : 0, layout : "horizontal", verticalAlign : "top", y : 35, x : 0, shadow : true }, rangeSelector : { buttons : [ { type : "all", text : "全部" }, { count : 10, type : "year", text : "10年" }, { count : 20, type : "year", text : "20年" }, { count : 30, type : "year", text : "30年" } ], inputStyle : { color : "#039", fontWeight : "bold" }, inputDateFormat : "---%Y---", inputEditDateFormat : "%Y", enabled : true, inputEnabled : true, inputPosition : { align : "right", verticalAlign : "right" }, selected : 1 }, series : seriesOptions }); $(function() { var chartForHide = $('#' + idOfDiv).highcharts(), series = chartForHide.series[2]; if (series != null) { series.hide(); } }); } ; function convertDateToUtc(c) { var b = []; var a = c.length; for (var i = 0; i '; var beginPage; var endPage; for (var i in list) { var basic_creator = list[i].author; var href1 = list[i].url; var basic_title = list[i].titleName; // var typetag = list[i].typetag; var basic_source_name = list[i].jourName; var proc_year = list[i].year; html += '' + basic_creator + '.' + basic_title + '' + "[J]." + basic_source_name + ' ,' + proc_year + '
作者:  蔡立军;  易叶青;  刘云如;  周会军
收藏  |  浏览/下载:2/0  |  提交时间:2020/01/05
外汇市场与股票市场间波动溢出效应:基于汇改后数据的小波多分辨分析 期刊论文
系统管理学报, 2012, 卷号: 第21卷 第1期, 页码: 13-21
作者:  谢赤;  张丽;  孙柏
收藏  |  浏览/下载:1/0  |  提交时间:2020/01/05
基于梯度向量的复杂场景文本定位 期刊论文
湖南大学学报(自然科学版), 2012, 卷号: 第39卷 第3期, 页码: 1/1 第一页 [1] 下一页 最后一页 到第 页 页脚版权说明 项目简介 使用说明资源点击量:今日访问量:总访问量: $(function() { initShare(); checkShowFaxianLink(); if ('' != null && '' != '') { $.get("", function(d) { if (d.statistics != null && d.statistics != '') { $(".ass-conts").show(); } }); $.get("", function(d) { if (d.images.large != null && d.images.large != '') { $(".plumxtr").show(); } }); $(".plumxtr a").attr("target", "_blank"); } // 异步获取发现获取途径 if ('false' != 'false' && 'false' == 'false') { // 加载获取途径 try { $.ajax({ url : '/publicResWarehouse/resetDiscoverInfo', type : "POST", dataType : "json", data : { title : '基于梯度向量的复杂场景文本定位', dxid : '100201028829', document_type_id : '1' }, success : function(data, textStatus) { if (data != null && data['avenueList'] != null && data['avenueList'].length > 0) { // 整理数据 for (var i in data['avenueList']) { var avenueBean = data['avenueList'][i]; var name = avenueBean['avenue']; var url = avenueBean['avenueUrl']; var check1 = name.indexOf("手机传递") -1) && ('1' != '11' || '1' != '12')) { check2 = false; } if (check1 && check2) { if (name.indexOf("下载") > -1 || name.indexOf("全文") > -1) { $(".downloadAnalizeJs").append("" + name + "") } else { $(".downloadAnalizeJs").append("" + name + "") } } } $("#avenuePlace").show(); } } }); } catch (e) {} } // 异步获取分析图 try { $.ajax({ url : '/publicResWarehouse/getAnalyzedYearData', type : "POST", dataType : "json", data : { document_id : '1,2', dxid : '100201028829' }, success : function(data, textStatus) { if (data.length > 0) { var tmp = []; var tmpdata = []; var names = []; var index1 = 0; for (var i in data) { var dataTmp = []; var channel = data[i]; if (channel != null) { names[index1] = channel['label']; var stats = 0; for (var j in channel['secondmenu']) { var secondmenu = channel['secondmenu'][j]; dataTmp[stats] = [ secondmenu['name'], parseInt('' + secondmenu['count']) ]; ++stats; } tmpdata[index1] = dataTmp; tmp[index1] = convertDateToUtc(tmpdata[index1]); ++index1; } } initDocs(tmp, tmpdata, names); $("#analyzedYear").show(); } } }); } catch (e) {} }); function initDocs(tmp, tmpdata, names) { var titleText = ""; var seriesOptions = []; var colors = [ '#89A54E', '#AA4643' ]; $.each(names, function(i, name) { seriesOptions[i] = { name : name, data : tmp[i], color : colors[i], type : "line", marker : { enabled : true, radius : 3, symbol : "circle" }, }; createNewChart(seriesOptions, 'conMore', titleText); }); } function createNewChart(seriesOptions, idOfDiv, titleText) { var chart1 = new Highcharts.StockChart({ options : { global : { useUTC : false }, lang : { rangeSelectorFrom : '起始', rangeSelectorTo : '终止', rangeSelectorZoom : '缩放', } }, chart : { renderTo : idOfDiv, width : 750, height : 330, borderColor : '#0068A3', borderWidth : 2, borderRadius : 10 }, title : { text : titleText }, credits : { enabled : false }, tooltip : { backgroundColor : '#FCFFC5', borderColor : 'black', borderRadius : 10, borderWidth : 3, }, xAxis : { type : 'datetime', //定义x轴上日期的显示格式 labels : { formatter : function() { var vDate = new Date(this.value); return vDate.getFullYear(); } } }, yAxis : { minorGridLineColor : '#F0F0F0', minorTickInterval : 'auto', min : 0 }, exporting : { enabled : false }, legend : { enabled : true, floating : true, align : "left", backgroundColor : "", borderColor : "black", borderWidth : 0, layout : "horizontal", verticalAlign : "top", y : 35, x : 0, shadow : true }, rangeSelector : { buttons : [ { type : "all", text : "全部" }, { count : 10, type : "year", text : "10年" }, { count : 20, type : "year", text : "20年" }, { count : 30, type : "year", text : "30年" } ], inputStyle : { color : "#039", fontWeight : "bold" }, inputDateFormat : "---%Y---", inputEditDateFormat : "%Y", enabled : true, inputEnabled : true, inputPosition : { align : "right", verticalAlign : "right" }, selected : 1 }, series : seriesOptions }); $(function() { var chartForHide = $('#' + idOfDiv).highcharts(), series = chartForHide.series[2]; if (series != null) { series.hide(); } }); } ; function convertDateToUtc(c) { var b = []; var a = c.length; for (var i = 0; i '; var beginPage; var endPage; for (var i in list) { var basic_creator = list[i].author; var href1 = list[i].url; var basic_title = list[i].titleName; // var typetag = list[i].typetag; var basic_source_name = list[i].jourName; var proc_year = list[i].year; html += '' + basic_creator + '.' + basic_title + '' + "[J]." + basic_source_name + ' ,' + proc_year + '
作者:  杨高波;  吴潇;  朱宁波
收藏  |  浏览/下载:3/0  |  提交时间:2020/01/05
Multiple positive solutions of the singular boundary value problem for Sturm-Liouville equation with impulses on the half line 期刊论文
Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computing, 2012, 卷号: Vol.40 No.1-2, 页码: 511-528
作者:  Xuxin Yang;  Weibing Wang;  Jianhua Shen
收藏  |  浏览/下载:2/0  |  提交时间:2020/01/05
Research on the Relationship of Energy Consumption,Carbon Emission and Economic Growth in China 期刊论文
Journal of Hunan University. Natural Sciences, 2012, 卷号: Vol.39 No.7, 页码: 84-88
作者:  Hu Zongyi;  Liu Yiwen;  Tang Liwei
收藏  |  浏览/下载:2/0  |  提交时间:2020/01/05
Global dynamics of delayed reaction–diffusion equations in unbounded domains 期刊论文
Zeitschrift für Angewandte Mathematik und Physik, 2012, 卷号: Vol.63
作者:  Yi, Taishan;  Chen, Yuming;  Wu, Jianhong
收藏  |  浏览/下载:5/0  |  提交时间:2020/01/05
Analysis of Energy Efficiency and Cost of Environment Regulations Based on DDF Model 期刊论文
Journal of Hunan University. Natural Sciences, 2012, 卷号: Vol.39 No.5, 页码: 83-87
作者:  Cai, Xiao-Chun;  Ye, Fa-Qiang;  Li, Chao
收藏  |  浏览/下载:1/0  |  提交时间:2020/01/05
A New Speckle Reducing Anisotropic Diffusion for Ultrasonic Speckle 期刊论文
Acta Automatica Sinica, 2012, 卷号: Vol.38 No.3, 页码: 412-418
作者:  Li, Can-Fei;  Wang, Yao-Nan;  Xiao, Chang-Yan;  Lu, Xiao
收藏  |  浏览/下载:4/0  |  提交时间:2020/01/05
Consumption Utility-based Indifference Pricing of European Options on Nontradable Underlying Assets 期刊论文
Journal of Hunan University. Natural Sciences, 2012, 卷号: Vol.39 No.12, 页码: 89-93
作者:  Yang Zhaojun;  Yi Hao;  Song Dandan;  Yang Jinqiang
收藏  |  浏览/下载:3/0  |  提交时间:2020/01/05
时滞微分方程广义Hopf分岔 期刊论文
中国科学(数学), 2012, 卷号: 第2期, 页码: 91-105
作者:  郭上江;  吴建宏
收藏  |  浏览/下载:4/0  |  提交时间:2020/01/05

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