关键词三江源区 土壤水分 蒸散量 协同变化 气象因子
其他题名the study of the charactercs of soil moisture in the source region of three rivers
中文摘要三江源区地处青藏高原腹地,生态环境十分脆弱,水资源短缺以及利用困难是制约该区植被恢复和生长及生态重建的主要生态限制因子之一。这里气候属于高原大陆性气候,无四季之分,只有冷暖季之别,冷季漫长,干燥而寒冷,暖季短暂而凉爽,温度年较差小而日较差大,太阳辐射强烈。近年来,气候变化和人为干扰等因素,导致天然植被退化严重,区域水土流失加剧,生态环境压力过大,生态环境问题日益突出,因此加强对土壤水分生态的基础研究变得十分迫切。 本研究主要致力于以下四个方面的研究:1、不同植被覆盖下农田和草地土壤水分的时空动态及其差异性分析;2、人工草地土壤水分对降水的响应;3、温性草原土壤水分与土壤温度的协同变化关系的研究;4、有关蒸散耗水规律的研究。以期为该区人工植被建设、退化植被的恢复与生态环境综合治理提供基础资料。主要研究结果如下: 1. 利用土钻法测定农田(油菜地、青稞地、燕麦地)、草地(高寒草甸、高寒草原、温性草原和人工草地)以及裸地的土壤水分。研究表明,在植物生长季,不同植被覆盖下农田和草地土壤含水量季节变化规律基本一致,但季节波动的幅度不同。方差分析显示,不同植被覆盖下的土壤水分不同季节间水分差异显著(F=11.39,P<0.01),其中农田土壤水分排序为青稞地(22.43)>裸地(20.75)>油菜地(18.67)>燕麦地(17.25);草地类型之间土壤水分排序为高寒草甸(21.45)>高寒草原(19.32)>人工草地(15.54)>温性草原(11.95)。四种草地类型草地土壤含水量年内变化过程明显地划分为3个阶段,分别为土壤水分积累阶段、土壤水分消耗阶段、土壤水分相对稳定阶段。对土壤水分的空间变化(土壤剖面)研究表明,土壤水分随着土层深度的增加而逐渐降低,两者之间有显著地高度负相关关系;不同植被覆盖下各观测地点的土壤水分的变异系数,随着深度的增加而逐渐变小,表明越往下土壤水分越稳定。根据变异系数以及标准差,可将土壤剖面可分为活跃层、调节层和相对稳定层三个层次。 2. 利用SPSS对人工草地观测点的0-80cm土层范围内各层的土壤水分对降水的响应进行滞后相关分析。结果表明,人工草地各层土壤水分具有高度的自相关性。降水与土壤水分在时间上存在显著地滞后相关性,但不同深度层次土壤水分对降水的响应存在差异。差异性主要表现在各层土壤水分对降水响应的滞后性不同,其中表层土壤水分(0-40cm)对降水的响应存在较大的滞后性,滞后时间较长,深层土壤(60cm以下)水分较为干燥,对降水的响应较弱。有研究表明未退化高寒草甸能有效改善土壤物理结构、提高土壤有机质含量,从而改变土壤水文物理特征,有利于降水入渗,其发达的植被根系易导致较大孔隙优先流运动,加快了深层土壤水分对降水的响应;而本试验研究地的人工草地为多年生收获人工草地,已种植达七年,土壤结构遭到破坏,有机质含量降低,上壤入渗性能变差,阻碍了土壤水分向深层运移,土壤水分空间分布不均匀,也体现了深层土壤水分对降水的响应较弱的特点。 3. 利用surfer等值线绘图工具,得到温性草原生长季内(1-9月份)土壤温度与土壤水分的时空分布图,直观的分析两者的协同变化关系,并利用SPSS等统计软件的数据分析模块建立了二者的回归关系模型。结果表明,土壤水分与土壤温度之间的协同变化关系显著,尤其在零度等温线附近时以及同此时对应的时间段下的土壤水分的等值线的疏密表明,两者的变化规律相似,只是在时间上土壤水分的剧烈变化阶段稍有滞后。土壤温度进入零度以上后,土壤温度逐渐升高时,表层土壤水分变化速度较快,而深层土壤水分变化相对较慢,这表明土壤水分的变化还明显受到降水以及植被的影响。土壤温度在零下时,此时期的土壤水分与土壤温度的等值线都较为稀疏,说明两者变化幅度都较小,相对来讲此时期无论是土壤水分还是土壤温度变化都较稳定。对各层土壤温度和土壤水分进行回归分析表明,两者之间呈现出比较显著地指数相关关系,尤其是浅层土壤温度与土壤水分之间的相关程度以及回归模型的精度都较高。 4. 采用FAO Penman-Monteith法计算了温性草原观测点一个生长年度内在日内、日、旬和月份水平的理论蒸散量,并分析了其影响因子。结果表明,生长季内参考蒸散量总量为630.68mm,日均2.01mm/d,其中非生长季、生长初期、生长中期和生长末期蒸散量占整个年度蒸散量的比例分别是29.49%、8.7%、46.08%和15.72%,蒸散量与各环境因子的相关性分析表明,太阳辐射、气温和VPD可以显著地影响草地参考蒸散量,是其主要的影响因子。而温性草原实际蒸散量为435.51mm,日均1.20mm/d,其中四个生长时段蒸散量占整个年度蒸散量的比例则为16.07%、5.46%、61.23%和17.23%,主要环境因子VPD、空气温度、太阳净辐射和表层土壤水分与实际蒸散量之间相关关系显著。利用SPSS多元线性回归模块,采用stepwise淘汰变量法,得到ETc关于环境因子的多元回归模型:ETc=0.119+1.435VPD+0.052T+ 0.107Rn- 0.152ν,校正复相关系数为0.861,模型的拟合优度较好,表明利用多个环境因子可以较好的模拟蒸散量的变化情况。 5. 选取不同生长期的典型日(典型日利用太阳辐射来选择,分别是2008年的3月5日、5月2日、6月17日、7月17日、8月16日和9月29日),计测其参考蒸散量的日内变化,并分析其与土壤水分的关系。结果表明,典型日内蒸散变化趋势基本一致。在早晨8:00钟左右开始蒸散,中午13:00-14:00之间达到一天之中的最大值,峰值出现的具体时间在视不同的季节和天气状况而定;随后蒸散迅速下降,在20:00左右蒸散停止;夜间蒸散一般为负值,呈大气凝结过程。其中在牧草生长中期的6月、7月和8月份变化曲线均呈双峰型,这可能与强光导致的叶片气孔关闭,蒸腾减小有关。分析了蒸散日内变化与土壤水分的关系,结果表明所选取的各典型日内蒸散与40cm土层的土壤水分表现出极显著(p<0.01)相关关系。由于20cm土层土壤水分变化较为剧烈,在小时水平上与蒸散量相关度较小。 6. 利用pvc管做成的Mini-lysimeter在2008-7-31实测了人工草地和温性草原以及裸地的蒸散日变化并分析了其影响因子,后又在8月27日实测了油菜地和青稞地的蒸散日变化情况并分析了其影响因子。结果表明,2008年7月31日人工草地、温性草原以及裸地实测蒸散日变化均呈单峰曲线变化。环境因子太阳辐射、空气温度和VPD对人工草地实测蒸散量的影响较为显著,而VPD、太阳辐射、空气温度和相对湿度可以显著地影响到人工草地实测蒸散量,各环境因子对裸地的影响均未达到显著水平,其中太阳辐射(r=0.574,p=0.065)和风速(r=0.582,p=0.060)对裸地实测蒸散量影响较大。 7. 利用离体快速称重法分别在相应的时间(草地测定于7月31日,农田测定于8月27日)计测了植物蒸腾速率。结果表明,在7月底人工草地和温性草原植物蒸腾日变化曲线均呈单峰曲线,8月底的青稞和油菜植物蒸腾速率日变化呈双峰曲线变化。
英文摘要The source region of Three Rivers is located in the Qinghai-Tibetan plateau, and water deficits is the main limit factors of restoration and growth of vegetation and ecology reconstruction in this region.it’s climate plateau continental climate,which threre is no distinct seasonal divided,that divided into cold and warm season.In cold season,it is long,dry and cold,while in the warm season,it is short and cool.In recent years, the ecological problem stand out by grassland degradation and soil erosion as a result of climate warm-drying and overgrazing. So it is important to carry out the research of moisture ecology in this region. This paper is mainly attention to these four aspects: 1 dynamic and difference analysis of soil moisture temporal-spacial under different vegetation covers; 2 the response of soil moisture to the precipation among artifical grassland; 3 coupling changes of soil moisture and soil temperture; 4 the research of the evaportranspiration discipline. Main results were as follows: 1. In growth season, there were significant difference (P<0.05) insoil moisture among different vegetation covers in agriculture and grassland, the season dynamic of soil moisture of different vegetation types was almost identical, and it can be divided into three stages: accumulating stage, consumptive stage, stable stage. The relation of spacial change of soil water and soil depth was not uniform absolutely in four kinds of vegetation types. The vertical change of soil moisture can be classified 3 layers: active layer, regulative layer and relatively stable layer. 2. The response of soil moisture to the precipitation is obviously, the changes of soil moisture lags behind the precipitation. The soil of deeper layer is very dry, and it’s response to precipitation is very weak. The compensation effect of precipatation to soil moisture is obvious, especially the medium intensity precipatation. 3. The Collaborative Change of soil moisture and soil temperature is evident. The relationship between two factors shows index correlation, the precision of the regression model is accurate and precise. 4. The reference evapotranspiration of daily, fifteenth and monthly is estimaterd by using FAO Penman-Monteith equation, and analysed its impact factors. The results show that the evaportranspitation of the whole growth season is account for 60% of the whole yearly evaportranspiration. The daily reference evaportranspiration changes intensely. The solar radiation, the air temperature and the VPD has significant influence to the reference evaportranspiration, and their correlation coefficients is 0.929,0.911 and 0.715 respectively. The evaportranspiration becomes larger with the solar radiation is stronger and the air temperature becomes higher. The coefficient of daily soil temperature of upper layer and daily reference evaportranspiration is 0.602, while the coefficient of soil moisture and evaportranspiration is 0.427. When it comes to actual evaportranspiration, the daily changes of ETc is similar to ETo, the proportion of ET in the growth stage account for larger, which is up to 84%. While the ET of the middle stage in all growth stage is account for more than 60%. The correlationship between ETc and the enviomental factor that such as VPD, the air temperature, the solar radiation, and the soil moisture of upper soil layer is very significant, and the coefficients are 0.767, 0.757, 0.727 and 0.546 respectively. 5. The daily change of actual evaportranspiration was caculated by mini-lysimeter methods. The results shows that the changes of ET in the warm steppe, artificial grassland and bare land are identical by the end of July, and they all show single-peak curve. When it comes to the end of augst, the daily change of ET in Rape field and Barley field is different from each other. The curve of daily ET change of Barley field shows bimodal curve, while the Rape field turns into single-peak curve. The actual of evoportranspiration in warm steppe and the artificial grassland is more or less the same, while the value of actual ET in warm steppe is smaller than the value in artificial grassland. But the actual transpiration of warm steppe is larger than the transpiration of artificial grassland, so we can get a conclusion that the evaporation of warm steppe is smaller than that of artificial grassland.
GB/T 7714
冯承彬. 三江源区土壤水分特征的研究[D]. 西北高原生物研究所. 中国科学院西北高原生物研究所. 2009.
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