CORC  > 厦门大学  > 2014年卷第1期(Vol.2014 No.1)
东海200海里以外大陆架划界问题研究; The Delimitation of the Continental Shelf beyond 200 Nautical Miles in the East China Sea
潘军 ; PAN Jun
关键词东海 East China Sea 200海里以外大陆架 Continental shelf beyond 200 nautical miles 冲绳海槽 Okinawa Trough 钓鱼岛 Diaoyu Dao 划界案 Submission 大陆架界限委员会 Commission on the Limits of the Continental Shelf 自然延伸原则 Natural prolongation principle 等距离方法 Equidistance method 公平原则 Equitable principle
英文摘要潘军,加利福尼亚大学伯克利分校法学院2012—2013年度高级访问学者,北京大学法学院2009—2010年度访问学者,江苏建筑职业技术学院副教授,主要从事国际法、海洋法研宄。; 【中文摘要】东海陆架位于中国、日本、韩国三国之间,是中国大陆领土的自然延伸。东海最宽处小于400海里的事实表明,即使三国各自根据《联合国海洋法公约》主张200海里以内的大陆架也会出现重叠区,如果主张200海里以外的大陆架,就会出现大面积重叠区,大陆架的划界势必通过三国间的相互谈判解决。三国目前都在寻求不同的国际法理来支持各自的主张。中国一贯主张自然延伸原则和公平原则;韩国在黄海及东海西部主张等距离方法,而在东海东部主张自然延伸原则;日本则倾向于等距离方法。中、日间钓鱼岛主权的争端将直接影响中、日在东海南部的大陆架划界。中、韩于2012年分别提交的东海部分划界案使三国 在东海的大陆架划界争端升级到一个新阶段。 【Abstract】The East China Sea continental shelf, situated between China, Japan and the Republic of Korea (hereinafter “Korea”),is a natural prolongation of the land territory of China. It is obvious that, because the East China Sea is less than 400 nautical miles at its maximum breadth, areas claimed by each country will overlap even if their claimed continental shelves stay within 200 nautical miles as provided under the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea. Claims for continental shelves beyond 200 nautical miles will result in large overlapping areas. The delimitation of the East China Sea continental shelf will certainly require the three countries to negotiate for a solution. The three have relied on different principles from international law to support their respective claims. China has consistently asserted principles of natural prolongation and equity; Korea advocates the equidistance method for the Yellow Sea and the western East China Sea, and the natural prolongation principle for the eastern East China Sea; and Japan favors the median line method. The sovereignty dispute over Diaoyu Dao between China and Japan will directly influence the delimitation of the continental shelf in the southern East China Sea. The partial submissions on the East China Sea by China and Korea in 2012 have escalated the disputes on the delimitation of the East China Sea continental shelf among the three countries to a new level.; 教育部2009年人文社会科学研究规划基金项目《基于联合国海洋法公约框架下中国未来海洋权益的外大陆架法律问题研究》(09YJA820068)资助
专题2014年卷第1期(Vol.2014 No.1)
GB/T 7714
潘军,PAN Jun. 东海200海里以外大陆架划界问题研究, The Delimitation of the Continental Shelf beyond 200 Nautical Miles in the East China Sea. 2014-06-30.
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