CORC  > 清华大学
杨颖 ; 贾志东 ; 李强 ; 关志成 ; YANG Ying ; JIA Zhidong ; LI Qiang ; GUAN Zhicheng
2010-06-07 ; 2010-06-07
关键词电纺丝 纤维 应用 高压 纳米技术 electrospinning fibers application high voltage nanotechnology TQ340.6
其他题名Electrospinning and Its Applications
中文摘要电纺丝技术是非牛顿流体的高聚物溶液在高压电场的作用下克服表面张力和粘弹性力,进行拉伸弯曲运动获得纳米到亚微米级纤维的一种技术。它作为高压与纳米技术的完美结合为传统高电压技术注入了新鲜血液。电纺丝纤维因其巨大比表面积和高孔隙率而得到组织工程、同轴电缆、药物缓释等多领域的关注。电纺丝参数影响方面的报道很多,而电纺丝领域当前最前沿研究及最新发现的报道还很少,故介绍了国内外电纺丝参数的研究成果及其最新动态,提出了电纺丝发展的几个瓶颈问题及解决方向。说明电纺丝技术的发展必然要先从理论模型和提高效率两方面入手并取得足够进展,该技术才能在生产实践中广泛应用。; Electrospinning is an electrostatically induced selfassembly process wherein ultra-fine fibers are produced.It is an old and yet immature but the most possible method for the fabrication of continuous nanofibers. Electrospinning is a perfect join of high voltage engineering and nanotechnology.It has been demonstrated that a variety of materials such as polymers,ceramics,and carbon could all be prepared as uniform fibers by electrospinning.Fibers mat with large area to volume ratio micro scaled interstitial space,high porosity and interconnectivity,good morphology stability and controllable mesh thickness can be received.The mat can be used in many fields including tissue engineering scaffold,drug deliver carrier,biosensor/chemosensor,protective cloth and air filtration,electronic and semi-conductive materials and reinforced nanocomposite,nano-coaxial cable and so on.Although there were some overviews about electrospinning,some latest work was not included.In this paper,the spinning jet with branches,the jet morphology during the electrospinning process and the controllable fiber morphology research have been reported.The latest research shows that beads can provide a superhydrophobically stable polymeric surface by electrospinning.That provides us a way to simulate the structure of lotus leaf.Nano-coaxial struction becomes one of the hottest points in electrospinning research field.The inner and outer surfaces of the hollow nanofibers could be independently functionalized now.Not only the latest work is reported but also the bottle neck of electrospinning and the solution are discussed.The models of electrospinning with single needle and multiple needles are not consummated and a lot of work needs to be done.That is the basis of the electrospinning.The efficiency of electrospinning is still the bottleneck second to none.The research on electrospinning with multiple nozzles is one of the most important works to be done in this field.That is the basis of electrospinning industrialization.
语种中文 ; 中文
GB/T 7714
杨颖,贾志东,李强,等. 电纺丝技术及其应用[J],2010, 2010.
APA 杨颖.,贾志东.,李强.,关志成.,YANG Ying.,...&GUAN Zhicheng.(2010).电纺丝技术及其应用..
MLA 杨颖,et al."电纺丝技术及其应用".(2010).
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