关键词干旱与半干旱草原 气候变化 AM真菌 多样性 微生物群落 碳循环,
其他题名Abundance and biodiversity of AM fungi response to environmental factors in the grasslands of northern China
中文摘要    我国北方干旱与半干旱草原退化问题一直是环境科学家关注的焦点,在全球气候变暖和人类干扰的影响下,该地区的荒漠化程度日益扩大。目前,针对该地区的生态学研究主要集中在地上生态过程,如:草场退化、植被演替等,鲜有研究关注地下生态过程,尤其缺乏土壤功能微生物分布特征及其生态功能研究。丛枝菌根真菌(arbusuclar mycorrhzial fungi,  AMF)能与绝大多数的陆地高等植物形成菌根共生体,对植物适应生物与非生物胁迫有重要积极作用,同时也深刻影响土壤碳氮循环。因此,研究  AM真菌分布特征、多样性及其对环境因子的响应,有助于我们理解脆弱生态系统的地下生态过程。本研究以我国北方干旱与半干旱草原为研究对象,采用宏观与微观相结合的方法,在区域尺度上研究  AM真菌的分布特征、多样性、环境影响因素及稳定土壤碳库的潜在作用。在中观和微观尺度研究菌根真菌群落对气候变化的响应及菌根共生体系调控宿主植物适应气候变化的机制。本研究的主要内容和结果归纳如下:
(1)为揭示中国北方干旱与半干旱草原中影响 AM真菌生物量的环境因子,探讨该区域  AM真菌在土壤碳固持方面的生态重要性,通过野外调查取样,结合多元统计与结构方程模型(Structural Equation Modeling, SEM)分析环境因子对 AM真菌生物量的影响,建立   AM真菌相关参数(菌根侵染率、菌丝密度、易提取球囊霉素、总球囊霉素)与土壤碳库的相关关系。研究结果表明,AM真菌菌丝密度与年均温显著正相关,与土壤肥力显著负相关。在有机碳含量较低的土壤中AM真菌生物量较高。基于区域年均温与土壤碳
(2)我们进一步利用磷脂脂肪酸技术(phospholipid fatty acid, PLFA)定量测定土壤碳库的主要分解者(细菌和腐生真菌)和贡献者(AM真菌),考查环境因子对不同微生物类群的差别影响。研究结果表明,土壤肥力是影响细菌和腐生真菌的主要正驱动因子,这与上述环境因子影响  AM真菌的情况恰恰相反。在相对贫瘠的土壤中,参与土壤碳矿化的细菌和腐生真菌减少,而 AM真菌的生物量增加,表明   AM真菌对土壤碳库相对贡献增大。本研究进一步说明 AM真菌在土壤碳固持中的潜在重要性。
(3)在中国东北样带,沿降雨量梯度(253.4 mm–397.4 mm)采样,利用454高通量测序技术研究AM真菌多样性及生态分布规律。研究结果表明,AM真菌在荒漠草原、典型草原和草甸草原都具有较高的多样性,其Shannon-Wiener多样性指数和丰富度(Richness)并未受到降雨量的影响。Shannon-Wiener多样性指数与年均温和土壤pH值负相关,与植物地下生物量正相关。典范对应分析(Canonical Correspondence Analysis,CCA)结果表明,在测定的环境因子中,年均温、年均降雨量、有机碳和土壤碳氮比对AM真菌群落结构显著影响。在不同种属的 AM真菌中,根内根生囊霉(Glomeraceae Rhizophagus)相对生物量与植物地下生物量显著正相关,而其它 AM真菌种属(如:Gigasporaceae  Scutellospora、Diversisporaceae、Diversispora)相对生物量与植物地下生物量关系不显著,表明不同种属的  AM真菌对环境因子的适应性不同。AM真菌多样性与植物多样性关系不显著,说明在大尺度下,AM真菌多样性并未受到植物多样性的影响,至少在区域尺度上挑战了菌根多样性调控植物多样性的假说。
(4)依托内蒙古多伦全球变化多因子试验(GCME)平台,在干旱与半干旱草原生态系统原位模拟增温和增雨情形,采用定量 PCR技术定量分析增温和增雨对 AM真菌及其他真菌类群丰度的差别影响;利用   Miseq高通量测序技术分析增温和增雨对土壤 AM真菌和真菌多样性的影响。研究结果表明:增温对土壤理化因子影响较小,而增雨提高了土壤含水量和碳氮比。增雨降低了真菌生物量,对 AM真菌生物量影响尤为显著,且显著改变AM真菌和真菌群落结构。增温对真菌和 AM真菌生物量影响不显著,对AM真菌和真菌群落结构影响亦不显著,但可通过交互作用影响真菌丰富度和Shannon-Wiener多样性指数。总的来说,在我国干旱与半干旱区,降雨量不仅决定了植物生产力,而且深刻影响到土壤真菌群落结构。
(5)室内模拟晚间增温情形,研究晚间增温对菌根共生体及宿主植物蒺藜苜蓿(Medicago truncatula L.)生理生态的影响。研究结果表明,晚间增温1.53℃显著降低了植物根系生物量、叶片糖含量、地上部和根系 P、Zn浓度,花和籽粒数量。然而,接种  AM真菌能够减缓晚间增温对植物营养和生殖生长、矿质养分吸收的不利影响。晚间增温和接种AM真菌对植物根部的蔗糖浓度和蔗糖合成酶基因(MtSucS1,  MtSucS4,   MtSucS5)表达的交互作用表明AM真菌与晚间增温共同调节植物的碳代谢过程。晚间增温提高了菌根侵染率,但对丛枝丰度、共生基因表达和根外菌丝密度无显著影响,表明晚间增温总体上对菌根共生体建成和发育无明显消极影响。我们的试验表明植物对气候变暖的响应并不是简单取决于植物种类和环境条件,菌根共生体系在植物应对气候变化的弹性应变方面起到不容忽视的作用。
英文摘要    The desertification of the arid and semi-arid grasslands in northern China, as a result of human  disturbance and climate  changes, has become a  threat to the  local ecological  safety. Previous  studies have  focused  on the  above-ground ecological processes  (grassland   degradation,  vegetation   succession,   etc.)  in   this  region.However, little  is known  about the  impacts of environmental  changes on  the soil functional   microbial  communities   and   their  ecological   functions.  Arbuscular mycorrhizal  (AM) fungi  are  ubiquitous  symbionts of  higher  plants in  terrestrial ecosystems.  It has  been well  documented  that the  symbiotic  fungi could  protect their  host plant  against  various  environmental stresses  and  it also  has  profound impact on  soil  carbon and  nitrogen cycles.  Therefore, studies  on  the AM  fungal diversity  and  function   were  very  important   for  understudying  soil  ecological processes  in  fragile  ecosystems.  In  this  study,  we  integrated  macroscopic   and microscopic  analyses   to  investigate  AM   fungal  diversity,  distribution   and  its potential role in soil carbon stabilization in the arid and semi-arid grasslands across northern China. The main results are as follows:
    (1) To  reveal the  regional distribution  pattern of AM  fungi as  driven by  multiple environmental  factors, and  also  to understand  the  ecological importance  of  AM fungi  in natural  ecosystems,  we  carried out  a  field investigation  on  AM  fungal abundance along  environmental gradients  in the  arid and  semi-arid grasslands  of northern   China.   Statistical   analyses   were  performed   to   reveal   the   relative contribution  of  climatic, edaphic  and  vegetal  factors  to  AM  fungal abundance,especially for  extraradical hyphal  length density  (HLD)  in the  soil. The  multiple regressions and  structural equation model  showed that  MAT was the  key positive contributor and soil fertility  was the key negative contributor to  HLD. With regard to the obvious negative correlation between MAT and SOC in the research area, the positive   correlation  between   MAT  and   HLD  implied   that   AM  fungi   could potentially  mitigate  soil  carbon  losses  especially in  infertile  soils  under  global warming.
    (2) Based on the field investigation in the  arid and semi-arid grasslands in northern China,  we  further  examined the  impact  of  environmental  factors  on  the  major decomposers (bacteria  and saprophytic  fungi) and  contributor (AM fungi),  which play key  roles in  soil  carbon cycling.  We investigated  soil microbial   community composition by  quantifying  the microbial  phospholipid fatty  acids (PLFAs).  The results showed that soil organic  carbon (SOC) was the main positive contributor to microbial biomass,  while the mean  annual temperature (MAT) served  as the main negative factor, which was opposite to environmental factor  affecting to AM fungi.The lower  abundance of  saprophytic microorganism,  while the  higher abundance of AM  fungi  in the  infertile soil  could potentially  stabilize  the soil  carbon pool. Therefore, these  results further  supported the importance  of AM  fungi in the  soil carbon stabilization.
    (3) The 454  sequencing technology was applied  to investigate AM fungi  diversity in the  Northeast China  Transect along  precipitation gradient.  The results  showed that AM  fungi exhibited  high diversity  in the meadow  steppe, typical  steppe and desert  steppe.  The   Shannon-Wiener  diversity  indexes  of   AM  fungi  were   not affected by mean annual  precipitation (MAP), but negatively affected  by the mean annual  temperature  (MAT),  soil  pH,  and  positively  affected  by  the  plant  root biomass. Canonical  correspondence analysis  (CCA) showed  that the  MAT, MAP, SOC  and  C/N ratios  significantly  affected  AM  fungal community.  The  relative abundance  of  Glomeraceae  Rhizophagus was  significantly  positively  correlated with belowground plant biomass, while relative abundance of other species showed no  significant  correlation  with  the  root  biomass,   indicating  that  different  AM fungal species may respond  differently to environmental factors. The fact  that AM fungal    diversity was    not    affected    by plant     diversity at    least    challenged the hypothesis  that   mycorrhizal   fungal  diversity determines   plant  diversity   at regional scale.
    (4)   We   simulated  scenarios   of   climate   change   (warming   and  precipitation increasing)  in  situ in  the  typical  steppe  in northern  China.  Real-time  PCR  and Miseq   high-throughput  sequencing   were  performed   to   reveal  the   effects   of increased temperature  and precipitation  on the  abundance and diversity  of fungal taxa including  AM fungi.  The results showed  that warming  had no  effect on soil physico-chemical properties,  while increased precipitation  increased soil  moisture content and C/N ratio. Furthermore, increased precipitation  reduced the AM fungal and total fungal biomass, and changed the  fungal community structure. By contrast,warming had  no effect  on the  AM fungal  and total  fungal biomass,  and also  the fungal  community   structure.  However,  increased   temperature  could  indirectly affect  the fungal  richness and  Shannon-Wiener  diversity via interacting with  the precipitation. In general, the precipitation not  only determined the plant production,but also drived the microbial community in the grassland in northern China.
    (5)  In  a  pot  experiment,  we  investigated  the  physiological  traits  of  Medicago truncatula  L.  in  association  with   AM  fungus  Rhizophagus  intraradices  under simulated night warming. The experimental results indicated that a constant 1.53℃ increase of  night temperature  significantly reduced  plant shoot and  root biomass,flower  and  seed   number,  leaf  sugar  concentration,   and  shoot  Zn  and   root  P concentrations.  However,   the  AM  association   increased  plant  shoot  and   root biomass, root  to shoot  ratio, and  shoot Zn  and root  P concentrations  under night warming, which  essentially mitigated  the negative  effects of  night warming.  The significant interaction  of AM  inoculation with night  warming in  influencing both root  sucrose  concentration  and the  expression  of  sucrose  synthase  (SusS)  gene suggested   that  AM   fungi   and  night   warming   jointly  regulated   plant   sugar metabolisms. Night  warming stimulated  the AM  fungal colonization,  but did  not influence arbusuclar  abundance, expression of  symbiosis-related gene and  growth of extraradical  mycelium (ERM),  indicating little  effect of  night warming  on the development  of   AM  symbiosis.   Our  findings   highlighted   the  importance   of mycorrhizal symbiosis in assisting plant resilience to climate changes.

GB/T 7714
胡亚军. 中国北方草地生态系统中丛枝菌根真菌的丰度和多样性对环境因子的响应[D]. 北京. 中国科学院研究生院. 2014.
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